The 60s

The gang (Left to Right) Rick Samuelson, Marc Mikkelsopn, Brent Stephens, Kelly McCann (Back), Brad Hardman (Front) and Larry Samuelson

The gang (Left to Right) Rick Samuelson, Marc Mikkelson, Brent Stephens, Kelly McCann (Back), Brad Hardman (Front) and Larry Samuelson

What could be better than growing up in a brand new neighborhood in South Salt Lake City.  There were 20-30 guys my age in the neighborhood. We’d play all day outside and wouldn’t come in until our parents forced in at curfew. We loved baseball.  Workups, 500, 0ver-the-line…we loved it. We didn’t even know that we were from a “modest” neighborhood. I felt rich even though when the baseball went into a bush the game was over unless we found it.  There was never two baseballs. A lot of the guys in the neighborhood didn’t have a bike in working order. No problem, they’d ride on the handle bars, the side bar or the fender. My mom occassionally left quarters laying around for me to “borrow.” With a quarter you could buy 5 candy bars at Hellers Market. Five! For a dime you could get a 10 ounce Coke.  When I about 13 they came out with a 16 ounce RC Cola. I remember drinking one and it making me very sick. (This was the pre-Big Gulp days). Live was nice in South Salt Lake.