

“Beware of simple solutions to complex problems.”

Recently the House of Representitives voted to impeach President Trump. As is happening more and more the vote was along party lines. Amazingly, all Republicans think he’s innocent and a really great guy. All Democrats know he’s likely the most corrupt President we’ve ever had.

Which is it?

I’ve often said that we should stop categorizing things as conservative or liberal. Frankly, sometimes conservative is the smart answer and sometimes liberal is the wise course of action, but generally, it’s somewhere in between. We need to start asking, what is the “smart” answer. Unfortunately, smart isn’t an easy solution to come to.

That said, President Trump should be a big disappointment for all of us. His interests generally appear to be “self” interests. Conservatives and liberals can surely find someone with American core values and someone that “honestly” has the American peoples’ best interest at heart. We can do better!