Ankle Arthrodesis

Ankle Arthrodesis

Apparently I have been abusing my left ankle for the past 60 years. My left leg is an inch shorter than my right leg. Its always been a gimpy leg and since I was a kid I’ve walked on my toe. In order, to reach 6′ 2″ when I’m on my left leg I have to stand on the toe. Well, that little problem and the fact that I’ve played basketball and other sports my entire life. In addition, the multiple times I’ve sprained the ankle finally caught up to me. I spent most of 2016 trying to figure out how to walk without pain. I finally realized that it was never going to get better and so I consulted Dr. Paul Winterton, Orthopedic Surgeon. Dr. Winterton is one of those guys that doesn’t beat around the bush. He told me I basically had one option. Ankle arthrodesis. (fusion). He said I had one option and it was a good option. Arthordesis1We scheduled surgery on October 19, 2016. The 4 hour surgery wasn’t long for me. I woke up with a “block” below the knee. A couple days later the “block” wore off. Owe! Oxycodone was prescribed. It made the pain go away but put me to sleep. Didn’t really like it. So, the pain was bad but you don’t get to be 60 years old without experiencing a little pain. I decided to live with it. Doc said no Advil (can’t use anti-inflammatory). Tylenol is ok but I didn’t bother with it. Didn’t help much anyway. Two months on crutches. Not fun for an old guy but you get used to it and if you can avoid blisters you can get around pretty well. (Carrying a cup of coffee is a trick though). December to January in a boot. Owe! Hurt like crazy at first but after a couple week it was pretty easy getting around. Since the middle of January I’ve been learning to walk in shoes again. Owe! Uncomfortable! I’m learning how to walk again. Bought some “Sketchers.” They have helped. For some reason the bottom of my heel hurts. (I’ve never walked on my left heel…it’ll take some getting used to). It’s now early February and I’m finally walking without to much pain…but with a serious limp. It’s getting less and less uncomfortable. Still, I’m not tempted to break into a run. Maybe a little dancing. But for sure, I’m almost ready for golf. By the way, that ugly scar is gone. It healed up pretty well. It still swells up if I over do it.